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2 min read

The Real MVRs (Most Valuable Resources) and 3 Ways They Can Support Your Marketing Efforts [VIDEO]

The Real MVRs (Most Valuable Resources) and 3 Ways They Can Support Your Marketing Efforts [VIDEO]

In the past, I've written about how a company's employees are one of the most valuable resources when it comes to the marketing efforts, and today I'm sharing a few ways that employees can supplement and support the marketing strategy to help drive better results.

The employees at your company are obviously valuable for many reasons, and when it comes to your marketing efforts they are one of the most valuable resources! They can help deliver your message, spread the word to your target audience, and increase social media engagement and website traffic.

Here are a few things I do that personally to support our marketing efforts, and how you can encourage your employees to get involved and help organically drive even better marketing results.

3 Ways Employees Can Support Your Marketing Efforts To Drive More Results 

1. Share The Company's Blog Posts

The first way you and your coworkers can support marketing efforts is to share the company's blog posts when they are shared to your company's social media pages. From your personal social media accounts, you can share the social media posts from the company page to your personal pages. Quick and easy!

The second way you can share blog posts and encourage other employees to share, is to share directly from the actual post by copying the URL and pasting it in the text editor on your personal page. Or, some blogs offer buttons that make it easy to share the blog post directly to your personal social media pages with one (or two) clicks.

Why is this important? Because of algorithms and rules on social media platforms, your personal accounts often have better reach and engagement than your company pages. So, by sharing the posts to your personal accounts, you often get a higher organic reach and engagement since typically your personal accounts have a consistent history of engaging with other users. These social channels' algorithms will likely show info coming from your personal page more often since it thinks those users are interested in it because they engage with your personal page content more often.

2. Post a Video About a Campaign or Marketing Effort

Another thing I like to do when we roll out a campaign is to create a video and post it on my personal social media, then link to the effort I'm discussing in the video in the comments. These are then shared with personal contacts I engage with regularly, so we already have an established relationship online, and when I post a video that's coming from me personally and my point of view, it puts a personal touch on the overall marketing information and core message being shared. 

I'll often tag the coworkers involved in this effort for extra reach and engagement. Tagging contacts will help increase reach and engagement by reaching not only your contacts, but also those of the tagged contacts.

Here's an example of a video I posted to my LinkedIn profile when we launched a new, free resource.

3. Share and Comment in Social Groups or Threads

Being a part of groups on social media is a great online networking tool, but it's also an impactful way to drive people to your online content and/or website. For example, if you're browsing questions or threads in an industry group that you're a member of and you see someone ask a question that you've answered in a blog post or that can be answered somewhere on your website, you could respond with "Hey! I have touched on this in my blog post. Here's the link (insert link)."

This promotes your company's information and marketing efforts through your personal channels where you already have an established trust and relationship with your contacts. Also, this allows you to share the company's information in a thought leadership style and on a more personal level, without making it seem like you're just pushing your marketing messaging on someone. 

I don't share these tips to avoid using the company pages to promote a message or marketing effort, but to supplement and support the company's overall efforts, reach more people, and engage with potential clients in a more personal way. 

TIP: Make sure you're creating great content and messaging that your employees want to share to make this easier and something they WANT to do... not that they HAVE to do. 

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