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Is Your PEO Website Following Best Practices for Lead Generation?

Is Your PEO Website Following Best Practices for Lead Generation?

Is Your PEO Website Following Best Practices for Lead Generation

As a professional employer organization (PEO), your company has the flexibility to partner with various industries. This means your online presence is everything. Having a website that guides prospects and customers through their journey isn't a luxury it's a vital turning point.

Every day that passes sales teams grow weary of having to generate most of their own leads, so how can you put your website to work to alleviate this stressor? Let's take a look at what are the common website lead generators and the pages they work best on.

Common Website Lead Generators 

PEO Ebook: Grow Your PEOWhen it comes to website lead generation, it really boils down to the following common triggers: 

These are ways in which a website visitor can convert into a website lead. It’s not enough, though, to have these CTAs placed on your website. They need to be placed strategically on high trafficked pages as well as common lead generation pages 

Common Lead Generation Website Pages 

So what pages are best suited for lead generation efforts? 

To tackle this question, you must categorize your website pages  based on two functions: Marketing and Sales.

Marketing Related Lead Generation Website Pages 

Top-of-Funnel pages are typically marketing pages like the home page, blog, resources page and any landing pages promoting premium content. Their job is to pull the visitor into the website by offering more content around the challenges they face in relation to what you sell. It should help the put a name to the challenge they are having so that they can naturally move through the buyer’s journey. 

  • Home PageThe  home page is the first point of contact introduces the idea to the reader that you are a thought leader in this space. The page should have well positioned CTA’s with easy opt-ins, typically sprinkled in the first fold of the website, the middle of the page and at the very bottom. The copy should speak directly to the intended audience about their challenges. Their should be visuals to connect the dots between problem and solution. In short the home page should have:

    • Strong copy 

    • Easy Opt-ins

    • Strategically placed CTA buttons

    • Visuals that quickly helps to connect the dots for the visitor

  • BlogNaturally if the visitor is trying to educate themselves on their challenges and gain understanding to possible solutions, the blog is the place for them to do that. Again, make sure that the blog utilizes relevant images, that each blog post has relevant CTA banners or buttons. The blog should breadcrumb the visitor down a path to purchase.  

    • Relevant images 

    • CTA banners/buttons 

    • Content upgrades 

    • Easy ways to subscribe (sidebar, within blog posts, pop-ups, etc.)

  • Resources pages — The resource page serves as another opportunity for the visitor to learn about their problems. For example, if they want an in-depth explanation on how to hire and retain employees, a guide listed on the Resources page is the perfect place. When building out your resources page, make sure that you have: 

    • Content is organized

    • One-click access to content piece 

    • Thumb-nail sized images of the content 

    • SEO optimized each description 

    • Benefit driven headlines to quickly capture their attention 

  • Landing Pages — This is where the majority of the action takes place. If you have a well-optimized landing page  for all of your premium content, this is where you’ll start to see lead generation conversions. Top performing landing pages have: 

    • Strong, benefit driven headlines

    • Strong supporting, actionable copy

    • 1 single call to action 

    • Bullet points to highlight “why” you should download 

    • Relevant visuals to connect the dots further 

    • Form (short forms) - only ask critical qualifying questions 

    • Thank you page  

6 Barriers to Lead Generation for PEOs

Sales Related Lead Generation Website Pages 

The sales related pages are what we consider Bottom-of-the-Funnel (BOFU) sales pages. Pages where the visitor is showing definite sales interest in your service. Commonly, these are pages would be:

  • Service or Product Pages – These pages clearly communicate the service you offer and how it benefits the visitor or makes their life better. Demo CTA’s 

    • Get a Quote CTA’s

    • Schedule a Consultation Forms 

    • Links to Calendar 

    • Contact Us Forms 

  • Case Study or Testimonial Pages – Here you’ll paint the picture to the visitor of what it’s like to work with you through the eyes of existing clients. Social proof is the best proof! Video or written case studies work but the key here is to make sure the copy is written from a results based perspective.  

    • Get a Quote CTA’s

    • Schedule a Consultation Forms

    • Links to Calendar 

    • Contact Us Forms 

  • About Us — People want to know who they’re doing business with – why not give them a glimpse of how you work, why you care, and how to further engage with you? Things to include on this page are: 

    • Let’s Talk/Schedule a Consultation Form 

    • See what others are saying – leading to your Case Study pages 

  • Contact Us Pages — This is pretty standard but what you want to make sure here is that forms are short, only asking for pertinent qualifying information, and using dropdowns to categorize inquiries more quickly. Contact Us pages are usually a catchall, so it would be beneficial to create ways where you can quickly sift through submissions. 

  • Thank You pages (should be pointing to related offer) — Normally marked as the end of the sales funnel, but here are some smart lead generators to use to get the greatest impact: 

    • Upsell CTA’s (leading to another service) 

    • Content Upgrades (ex: If the visitor is interested in Payroll possibly have a content upgrade for Benefits)

Next Steps 

Ready to turn your website into a lead generation machine? First thing you need to do is audit your website for lead generation. What are your top performing pages? Are the common lead generation pages following best practices. Next start running some tests to start establishing lead generation benchmarks. To see how optimizing your website for lead generation can help you and your sales team reach its goals, come test out our ROI Calculator. LeadG2 Inbound Marketing Revenue Impact Calculator

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