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Why Thank You Page Copy Matters

Why Thank You Page Copy Matters
Why Thank You Page Copy Matters

Why Thank You Page Copy Matters

You’ve created a strategic piece of content for your prospective customers, and a potential customer has agreed to share their contact information in exchange for a piece of  premium content. Once they enter their information, they're taken to a thank you page on your website, where the content is delivered.

It can be tempting to use a generic in-line thank you message with a link to your content, but it pays to consider the benefits of a thank you page that contains a few more bells and whistles.

30 Greatest Lead Gen Tips EbookImportance of the Thank You Page

The thank you page is a place to deliver the promised content, as well as let the user know that their submission was successful.

But, once someone fills out a form on your website to download that in-depth eBook, then what? How do they know what to do next? Where are they directed to? You don't just want to say thank you and leave them hanging!

This is also an opportunity to further connect with the lead and continue to build a relationship. Looking at it this way, the thank you page is an important part of the lead nurturing process—it’s the pivotal moment in the customer journey.

If they filled out a form on your website to download an eBook, include a message in the thank you page that tells them you just sent an email with their download details inside. If they filled out a contact form, specify when and how you'll contact them. Every thank you page should include three essential elements to ensure the user isn't wondering what to do next:

  • A confirmation message: This message could say something like, "Thank You! Please check your email for further instructions."

  • A clear call to action(CTA): After you explain the next steps, create a clear CTA that encourages the user to take the next steps in the sales process. The CTA can ask them to whitelist your email address, suggest your most popular blog posts, prompt for a share on social media, ask for a short survey, or offer them another related offer.

  • Specific instructions: The CTA will provide the user next steps, but to get them to actually take those steps, you need super specific instructions on what they should do and how they should do it. This should not be lengthy, but precise. For example, if you want new subscribers to sign up for a webinar, tell them to "Click the blue button below to reserve your spot."

The landing page copy did its job, and the user submitted their contact information. You’ve succeeded in capturing the prospect’s curiosity. While their interest is high, it also makes sense to share additional information so they will continue to engage with you.  

You never know what’s going on in a prospect’s day when they complete a form to request information.

  • Will they head right to their email to open the download?

  • Or will they save it to read at the end of a busy day?

  • By the time they open the email, will the problem seem as urgent?

You want the prospect to engage with your content while they are in the same frame of mind they were in when they completed your form. The sooner you can get that content into their hands, and demonstrate your value, the more likely it is that you will make their list of providers who can potentially address their most challenging business needs. 

What to Put on Your Thank You Page

It's important that you not only deliver on what you promised (the piece of content) but that you also provide clear next steps for them that helps keep them engaged on your website. It starts with understanding their needs and what matters to them in the buying journey.

Thinking through what the logical and helpful next step would be is key to having a thank you page that does more than just say 'thank you.' Here are some effective next steps that you could include:

  • Share a  video that helps them get to know you better

  • Include a video testimonial or a video that educates them on a topic related to your download

  • Direct them to your blog, or to blog posts related to the topic

  • Share a discount code, a meeting link, or another piece of engaging content

  • Include information about an upcoming webinar

  • Educate with an infographic

  • Learn more about their needs with a survey

  • Provide links to your social media accounts

  • Embed your podcast or content from your YouTube channel

  • Offer opportunities to subscribe to your blog or newsletters  

Of course, you don’t want to do all of these things at once. The thank you page is a chance for you to continue to demonstrate your expertise and to keep that prospect on your website. It’s your opportunity to continue to engage while their interest is high. 

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*Editor's Note: This blog was originally published in 2020 and has since been updated.

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Sell Faster. Sell Smarter. Grow your business with inbound marketing and sales enablement.

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