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Hot Topics in Digital Marketing That Will Get Your Business Noticed

Hot Topics in Digital Marketing That Will Get Your Business Noticed

Hot Topics in Digital Marketing That Will Get Your Business Noticed

It is not shocking to hear that attracting new customers is something every business wants. After all, new customers are how your business grows. 

The big question is…how do you effectively find quality prospects to become new customers? Let's discuss three hot topics in digital marketing that will help to get your business noticed.

Visual Content on Social Media 

Did you know that content with relevant images gets 94% more views than content without relevant images? 

If you're not using visuals in your social media strategy, you're missing out on growth opportunities. Social media is the second most popular online platform for companies and individuals to connect, but the key is to get eyeballs on your posts. 

Here are some ways to use visuals on social: 

  • Include compelling images and videos in posts 

  • Use live video 

  • Use images that show what you offer as well as demonstrate how it works or helps people in some way (for example, an image of a happy customer using your product) 

  • Use images to tell a story about who you are or what type of business/products/services you offer. 

Here's an easy way to get started: start taking photos of your services in action so that viewers can see the inner workings of what you do. 

Why is Social Media an Important Part of Inbound Marketing?

Personalization Marketing Strategies 

Personalization marketing strategies are everywhere. People no longer want to feel like they are just one of the million prospects you are talking to. In fact, 63% of marketers say that personalization increases customer interactions and, ultimately, better conversion rates. Personalization marketing is a crucial part of increasing engagement and conversions, so you should make them a priority in your digital strategy. 

Here are some ways that businesses are using personalization to get noticed: 

  • Create content based on customer behavior and preferences (e.g., "Top 10 Hacks" for a specific industry) 

  • Use customized landing pages for different customers (e.g., "Interested in kitchen remodels? We can help!" vs. "Looking for new appliances? We have you covered!") 

  • Personalize email copy to include specific information about the recipient such as their name, company name, job title, industry intel, etc. 

Video Marketing  

Video marketing has become an essential tool for business owners and brand managers. In fact, 86% of businesses use video as a marketing tool. This is absolutely a trend to take advantage of. Video can be used in various ways to humanize information and provide a quick and easy way for your audience to get the information they need.  

Here are some ways you can use video in your marketing strategy: 

  • Social media posts 

  • Client testimonials 

  • Culture/brand videos 

  • Across your website – including landing pages 

With digital marketing being such a fast-paced industry, it can be hard to stay on top of the trends. The good news is that some trends will help you get your business noticed. 

The Complete Guide to Using Video in the Sales Process

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