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B2B Marketing Tactics That Every Media Company Needs to Embrace in 2023

B2B Marketing Tactics That Every Media Company Needs to Embrace in 2023
Carly Knecht
B2B Marketing Tactics That Every Media Company Needs to Embrace in 2023

B2B Marketing Tactics That Every Media Company Needs to Embrace in 2023

As the digital landscape changes, so does the way B2B businesses market themselves to prospects. Getting the attention of your ideal customer can be a bit more difficult in this space than it is for the B2C businesses since those buying decisions are likely much smaller or don’t require a long-term commitment or partnership.

While you can look at typical marketing trends for inspiration, it’s important to look at it from the B2B perspective and adjust your strategy based on those particular needs. Then take those needs and align them with your tactics, and you’ll set yourself for success.

Here are six B2B marketing tactics that every media company should embrace in 2023.

1. Competitive Analysis 

When planning out a marketing plan or even pivoting on your current one, a great way to gain some insight is through a competitive analysis. Spend some time researching your top competitors and their tactics, look up their website SEO, study their marketing efforts, and then see where your company falls in comparison.

When you’re able to compare your brand against those who are going after the same target persona, you can identify any gaps in your strategy. Is there a type of marketing you aren’t incorporating? Are there keywords popular among those you’re trying to reach that you don’t currently rank for? Is there something they are doing that seems to be working well?

Take the information that you find, and come up with a way to work in some new tactics into your strategy so that you don’t miss the opportunity to reach those key accounts.

2. Marketing Automation

One of the most effective B2B marketing tactics you could implement is automation. There are countless needs and cases in which automating parts of your efforts will benefit your business. For example, whenever you’re trying to connect with a specific list of prospects, set up a lead nurturing workflow to engage them and keep your brand top of mind. You can also enroll current or past customers into workflows that will re-engage them or inform them of new offerings you have.

The ability to automate your newsletters, lead nurturing series, and even sales email sequences, will save you time without sacrificing the data and lead intelligence you’re looking for.

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3. Content Marketing

A key component of B2B marketing strategies is a content marketing plan. By coming up with a strategy of creating and promoting content around your services and how they can benefit your target audience, you’re able to appeal to buyers at any stage of the journey.

Start by blogging regularly on topics related to the questions and problems that your ideal customer has. Build out a blog on your website and make sure it’s linked in your navigation for easy access. Then you’ll want to map out a content strategy that revolves around relevant topics, making sure to speak to each stage of the buyer's journey. Don’t forget to plan your posts at a cadence that you can keep up with regularly!

Next, it’s time to start thinking about premium content offers. You can create pillar pages, eBooks, guides, webinars, one-sheets, and more. Then you can make them available for download on your website and even guide people to them via your blog posts.

So how do you get this content in front of those who aren’t actively coming to your website? Through promotional emails, newsletters, paid ads, and social media marketing, you can easily let people know about the latest content you’ve created.

4. SEO Optimization

Arguably one of the most important marketing tactics is SEO optimization. There are a few different areas that you should focus on to make the biggest impact — on-page, off-page, and technical.

When it comes to on-page SEO, you want to make sure that you’re optimizing all of your site content. This includes internally linking from page to page, making sure you include the proper H1 and H2 tags where necessary, complete meta descriptions, and proper image alt text.

For off-page SEO, this is where you focus on your content marketing, social sharing, link building, and reviews. This will help drive people back to your website organically, boosting your SEO.

Lastly, technical SEO is the aspect of making sure your website has optimal load times, mobile capabilities, and fast load speeds.

Answers To The Top 9 SEO FAQs

5. PPC Advertising 

Content marketing and SEO provide many benefits, but choosing to invest in PPC ads will bring even more success. When you run PPC ad campaigns, you’re getting your brand in front of potential customers through search engines and other advertising platforms. With this method, you don’t have to rely solely on the user coming across you organically.

When including pay-per-click advertising into your plans, you’re developing a more well-rounded strategy in hopes of getting in front of more people that fit your buyer persona. Don’t limit your PPC ads to just your products and services. Make sure to include some that revolve around your blogs and premium content to also promote your brand as a whole and the problems you can solve.

6. Case Studies 

One of the best ways to gain the interest of potential customers is by sharing the success you’ve already seen with your current and past clients. By providing social proof and real-life metrics of success, you’re building rapport.

Case studies and testimonials are one of the best ways to increase your credibility. They also are often one of the determining factors that people use when making a purchase decision, especially if it’s from someone they know.

Not only should your case studies have a prominent home on your website for visitors to view, but you should also include these in your content marketing, lead nurturing, sales sequences, and PPC ads. Case studies make for a great promotional piece and attention grabber!


When you take the time to get to know your target persona, what they’re looking for, and how to reach them, you can properly align your strategy in order to make the biggest impact with your marketing. The tactics that you implement will help you attract the right people, at the right time, by providing them with the right content when they need it.

watch now button - how understanding your target persona affects your bottom line

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Carly Knecht

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