How To Create Great Landing Pages For Your Premium Content
Premium content is worth its weight in gold when you’re trying to attract lifelong customers with your inbound marketing strategy. The best kind of ...
2 min read
Dani Buckley
January 22, 2020
Creating compelling, strategic premium content as part of your lead generation strategy is only half the battle. The next—sometimes overlooked—step involves the promotion of your content across a variety of channels including both inbound and outbound methodologies.
This article is meant to give you a comprehensive overview of the top places you should be promoting your premium content offers in order to drive prospects to the corresponding landing page with a form. While every campaign may not include all of these elements, the more you can incorporate into your plan, the more potential buyers you will reach with your offer.
As a sales performance company that happens to know a whole lot about inbound marketing, we understand the importance of attracting the right visitors and converting them into leads. We live and breathe the art of unforgettable content. We also understand the vital role that premium content plays in a marketing strategy.
Once you've given your prospect some surface-level information, it's time to introduce premium content that offers more in-depth information to help lead to a conversion. Below are ways to effectively promote premium content for optimal lead conversions.
Include calls-to-action (CTA) on blog posts
Promote on your homepage and on related website pages (as banner ads and/or CTAs)
Add a custom CTA to your navigation or sidebar
On your resources listing page (if you have one)
Scheduled posts across company pages
Promoted on personal pages (LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, etc.) by your internal team, especially those in client-facing roles like sales and management
Customized (and appropriate) promotion in LinkedIn groups
Sponsored ads on your top performing social media platforms
If you're a media company, run advertising on your media outlet that will help attract business leaders in your audience
Think about any other resources you have within your organization to reach a large group of people you come into contact with (also see below)
In your email signatures
On sales presentations
On marketing brochures or similar
Share with prospects who ask questions or have an interest related to this topic (helps you get valuable lead intelligence on them as well as establishes credibility)
Promote to your current subscribers and database
Promote to your existing customers and prospects
In other lead nurturing email campaigns to drive prospects further down the sales funnel
Sign people up at events where you have a booth or presence
If you’re a presenter, encourage attendees to download online to follow up to your presentation
Promote after or before an event to a list of attendees
At your store or office
Optimized properly for search engine optimization
Link to it throughout your own blog content and content on third party sites (like guest posts)
Personally invite partners, colleagues, and other people you know to share this content with their network
Explore partnership opportunities with other organizations where you could return the favor
Paid search campaign
Paid advertising: TV or radio commercials, website banner ads, print ads, etc.
Content distribution platforms like AdBlade, Outbrain, or Zemanta
As you can see, this list can be pretty extensive, and don’t feel overwhelmed if you can’t do it all—because most successful campaigns will actually consist of only doing some of this, but doing it really well.
Think about your target persona and where your efforts will deliver the most reach and engagement, and start there. The more you make promotion an integral part of every premium content offer, the better you’ll get at it and the more you’ll learn where your time and money is best spent!
Premium content is worth its weight in gold when you’re trying to attract lifelong customers with your inbound marketing strategy. The best kind of ...
If you're looking for new ways to generate leads in 2016, you really should consider premium content. Effective lead generation strategies provide...
Premium content is a critical part of your lead generation process and a powerful tool known for establishing credibility and authority in any...