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Content Drives Revenue. How Can You Get Your Sales Team Contributing to Your Blog? [VIDEO]

Content Drives Revenue. How Can You Get Your Sales Team Contributing to Your Blog? [VIDEO]

A few times a year, we have a company-wide step challenge to see who can get the most steps in to foster some friendly competition and some good health. In fact, I just got back from a quick walk on my lunch break to see if I could squeeze in a few steps for today.

Before I left, I had a call with a prospect who was expressing some frustration they're having in trying to get their sales team to contribute to their blog. They know their sales team has some great ideas and great thought leadership and subject matter expertise, but they just can't get them to share.


So, I was thinking as I was walking, and every time we do a step challenge, my average number of daily steps really spikes. I get more steps every day we're in a competition than in a normal day when we're not competing. Those competitive juices get going, and you want to win. You want to show up. 

I thought the same concept can be done for organizations who struggle to get their sales team contributing to their blog.

How to Get Your Sales Team Contributing to Your Company Blog

1. Run a Contest

See if you can't tap into those competitive juices we know every salesperson has. Get them to compete and see if they can beat their fellow salespeople by contributing the most blog articles in a specific period of time. I think you will see some great results from a contest like this.

2. Share Key Blog Analytics With the Team

Another way to tap into those competitive juices is to publish key blog metrics for the entire team to see. Let everyone know which articles are getting the most hits, driving the most traffic, creating the most lead conversions. When the sales team sees that their names and their content are are getting great metrics and meaningful results, it will encourage them to create more great content. People want to be associated with success. 

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3. Share The Success Stories

One last thing you can do is publish the story of your organization's wins. When you get a new client and a new win, go into your CRM and marketing automation tools and see what pieces of content played a role in that new piece of business. What content was responsible for driving that prospect into your sales pipeline? Which pieces of content were leveraged during the sales process? When you tell that story and tie it to a win, the lightbulb will go off with your team and they will see that there's a reason why they're being asked to contribute to your company's blog. 

Content does drive revenue. Get your sales team contributing to your blog to help feed your content, attract new prospects with their subject matter expertise, and establish thought leadership for your company and your individual sellers.

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