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Training Resources for Lifetime Sales and Marketing Learners

Training Resources for Lifetime Sales and Marketing Learners


During the 2016 HubSpot Inbound Conference last year, about midway through we got to a point where we were feeling overwhelmed with information about new products, updates to HubSpot, new books to read, and trying to remember all of the new people we had met that week. All the information was great, but it all came at once. Conferences like Inbound shouldn’t be the only opportunity that we have each year to learn and grow in our sales and marketing careers.

This morning we were reminded of our continued enthusiasm for learning when one of our friends asked on Facebook, “Does anyone know anything about Google Analytics?” We instantly knew that the best resource for this person was the Google Analytics Academy that we often visit to learn more about digital marketing and specifically how to better analyze website data using Google Analytics. When we sent over the link to the course, it prompted our memory regarding all of the great, free materials for sales and marketers that exists and we started to catalog them.  Just going through some of the ones we are most familiar with, like Hootsuite Academy, HubSpot Academy, and Google Academy made us feel like we was smarter just to know those resources are there… and FREE!!! Unfortunately, just because we know where to find them, doesn’t mean we have utilized each of them fully. We’ve taken quite a few courses, especially the HubSpot Academy courses, but would benefit from spending an hour a week taking some of the others that we are less familiar with.  

As individuals that work in knowledge fields like sales and marketing, it's our obligation to ourselves and our employers to constantly be improving our skills and learning more each day. Employers that recognize and embrace that are sure to be more competitive in the long run than the companies that don’t have a similar type of learning environment. And don’t try to use the excuse that “it costs too much” or “I don’t have the time.” The majority of the courses that I have listed below are FREE and only take a few hours.

Feel free to share this page with co-workers and anyone that you think would benefit from knowing that these resources exist.

Hootsuite Academy

Introduction to Social Media Marketing

Optimizing Your Social Media Profiles

Social Media Strategy - from A to Z

Growing Your Online Community

Content Marketing Fundamentals

Social Advertising Fundamentals

HubSpot Academy

Inbound Certification

Email Marketing

Inbound Sales

Content Marketing

Growth-Driven Design

HubSpot Design

Google Analytics

Digital Analytics Fundamentals

Google Analytics Platform Principles

Ecommerce Analytics: From Data to Decisions

Google Tag Manager Fundamentals

The Center for Sales Strategy

How Selling

Marketing Strategy Model

Selecting High Potential Accounts

Digital What & Why Series:






Brand & Connect


($19.99 - $29.99 per month license for unlimited courses)

Marketing Specific

Sales Specific 

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