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Inbound Marketing is the Sales Resource that Never Takes a Break [VIDEO]

Inbound Marketing is the Sales Resource that Never Takes a Break [VIDEO]

Screen Shot 2019-04-02 at 11.59.34 AMThink about all the time your sales team isn’t at work, but you wished they were. 

When they’re on vacation.
When they’re at lunch.
When they’re commuting.
When they’re on a flight.
When they’re with their family on the weekend.

Now think about the time your sales team is at work, but they’re not involved in sales-related activity.

When they’re in a staff meeting.
When they’re filling out an expense report.
When they’re flying to a conference.
When they’re working on a proposal.
When they’re responding to an associate’s email.

The list seems never-ending. The truth is, salespeople aren’t always very productive. In fact, according to HubSpot Research, salespeople spend just one-third of their day in sales-related activities.

Now, imagine if you had a sales resource that never went on vacation, or took a break, or got sidetracked by unproductive activity. Inbound marketing is that resource.

Inbound marketing is a methodology of creating and publishing online content. It’s not just any content, though. It’s content that your prospects and customers find valuable because it’s relevant to their business needs. They don’t view it as “marketing fluff” because it's informative and educational. It shares your perspective as a subject matter expert and thought leader. Consequently, your prospects will seek your content out and will return to your online resource over and over again.

The best thing about inbound marketing content is that once it’s published, it never stops working. It continues to live online for your prospects to find it and benefit from it. It works on their terms and timeframes. Even if a prospect wants to access to it at 3:00 am, when they're traveling on the other side of the world, it’s there to extend your brand, position your solution, and advance the sale.

Inbound marketing is also available to work for you in perpetuity. Something that’s published today can be found and leveraged tomorrow, next month, and even years into the future. We’ve been actively publishing content for our inbound marketing strategy for several years. Not a week goes by that a lead isn’t generated by content we published last month, last year, or even several years ago.

Inbound marketing content is the sales resource that never takes a day off or a lunch break. Companies that leverage an inbound marketing strategy are maximizing their sales presence in the market. Companies that don’t are really operating with one hand tied behind their back.

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