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How to Choose the Best Topics for Generating Sales Leads from Webinars

How to Choose the Best Topics for Generating Sales Leads from Webinars


Before you decide that you are ready to host your first webinar, it’s important that you first determine if your target audience is interested in attending webinars in the first place. After all, if your target persona doesn’t have an interest in webinars or if they use other content formats to find solutions to their business challenges, you might want to consider another format. However, we are living in the digital age, and more than two-thirds of the B2B buying cycle is conducted online.  

"67 percent of the buyer’s journey is now done digitally. Let’s add to that: Our research shows that online searches are executives’ first course of action (just like everyone else)."

Choose Your Topic

Every successful webinar starts with a great topic and an even better title. What makes a great topic or a great title? 

If you have successfully defined who your target audience is, you can then proceed to choosing a topic that your audience would be interested in. Make sure to align your company’s goals with your audience’s interest. If you want to demonstrate your expertise on a topic, you’ll need it to match your service offerings.

For instance, if you know that your target audience would be interested in Topic XYZ but you have no business reason to talk about Topic XYZ, it’s probably not a very good topic. However, if you are hearing from your clients or prospects that they are having a difficult time understanding the benefits of one of your services or how something works, that’s a perfect topic for a webinar.  

Another example is launching a new or modified product or service. If you feel as though you need to jumpstart the marketing efforts and generate leads for that specific product, you can do so by promoting it via a webinar. If you decide to host a webinar purely to generate leads for a product line or service, it’s important to make sure that you make it interesting to your target persona and provide value to the attendees.

Expert Tip: Aligning your target audience’s needs and desires with your need to generate leads for a specific product line or service makes for the best topics. It benefits both your target persona and your lead generation efforts. Click to Tweet twitter_icon-2289166aec1c47ee68cfb5716142273f

Choose Your Title 

Now that you have narrowed down what the topic of your webinar will be, you can decide on a title. Three things to consider when choosing a title: 

  • Make it somewhat self-explanatory. Don’t use a title that leaves the potential attendee guessing what the webinar is about. Keep it simple. This will pay big dividends later on when you are promoting the webinar.  It will be much easier to promote if your target audience knows what they are getting when they sign up.

  • Numbers are great! Seven Steps to … 5 Ways to … 6 Methods to… By using numbers in your title, you help to reinforce what your audience will get if they attend. This is also very simple and clear, and will help you promote the webinar. 

  • Mention your target audience. Including the audience in the webinar title can help to reinforce #1 and make it self-explanatory. For instance:  3 Ways Sales Managers can … 5 Reasons Small Business Owners… 7 Facts that Digital Sales Managers … 10 Ways that C Suite Executives Can Benefit from…

By specifically referencing who the webinar is for, you can limit the unqualified attendees and increase the marketing qualified leads.  

Expert Tip: The best naming convention is a combination of #1 - #3.  Be self explanatory, use a numerical listing, and reference your target audience. Click to Tweet twitter_icon-2289166aec1c47ee68cfb5716142273f

For additional tips and to learn the step-by-step process for generating sales leads from webinars, register for our December 17th webinar at 1pm EST that will walk you through how to create a webinar that gets results.

Generate Sales Leads from Webinars

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