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Inbound Marketing |


15 Habits of Highly Successful Companies Using Inbound Marketing

habits of successful companies using inbound marketing
Shaye Smith
habits of successful companies using inbound marketing

habits of successful companies using inbound marketing When a strategic inbound marketing plan is in place for your company, you should get more leads, get better leads, and improve your overall sales performance. I say 'should' in the previous sentence because there are many factors that play into a successful inbound marketing strategy - and many companies don't have these all in place reap the benefits of this investment. So what are the companies doing that are successfully implementing these strategies to drive more revenue and see great results?

I asked our team to share what is working for the companies who are utilizing inbound marketing to its fullest potential and tell what they are doing to drive success. Here's what they said. 

15 Habits of Highly Successful Companies Using Inbound Marketing

Companies that adopt these habits see more success and the best results from their inbound marketing investment. 


1. Buy-in and alignment from leadership, sales, and marketing.

2. Leadership engaged in the plan and building an inbound culture.

3. Front-line sales team involved in strategy direction, campaign planning, and content ideas.

4. A collaborative team that's active and engaged with the plan - content brainstorms, sharing content on social media, etc.


5. Trust in the inbound marketing process.

6. Trust in your agency and team of experts.

7. Values thought leadership.

8. Values the "long game" - invested in a long-term relationship that grows over time and not looking for a "quick fix."


9. Timely responses and sensitive to deadlines - the plan can only move as fast as the team allows.

10. Good communication - open and honest about goals, objectives, challenges, obstacles, and resource gaps.

11. Willing to try new things and open to ideas where you aren’t the expert.

12. Sets aside time to participate in strategy, analytics review, and content brainstorming.    

13. Participates in the content creation process.

14. Patience with set-up and process that's vital to set the company up for success.

15. Leverages a CRM/Database and Marketing/Sales platform such as Hubspot.

If you're investing in inbound marketing to drive more qualified leads and improve your sales performance, ensure you are adopting these habits amongst your team to ensure you get the best results from your efforts!

LeadG2 Inbound Marketing Strategy Checklist

About Author

Shaye Smith

Shaye is the Director of Marketing for The Center for Sales Strategy, LeadG2, and Up Your Culture. She nerds out on B2B marketing strategy and analytics that drive performance. In her spare time, she teaches dance and enjoys pizza/ice cream dates with her tiny human, working out, a cold glass of beer, wine paired with cheese, and exploring the beautiful Emerald Coast (FL) that she's blessed to call home!

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