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HubSpot for Sales: The Top Questions We Hear from Sales Managers Answered [VIDEO]

HubSpot for Sales:  The Top Questions We Hear from Sales Managers Answered [VIDEO]
Dean Moothart
HubSpot for Sales:  The Top Questions We Hear from Sales Managers Answered [VIDEO]

I’ve been using HubSpot to support my sales process for 6 years. It’s the most valuable tool I use every day. It makes me a better salesperson.

When I tell this to sales managers they're intrigued and have a lot of questions.

These are the top 3 questions we receive from sales manages concerning HubSpot.

Top 3 Questions About HubSpot CRM Answered

1. I thought HubSpot was a marketing automation tool. Why is it important for Sales to know about HubSpot?

HubSpot is a powerful marketing tool. But it’s also so much more.

It also offers a CRM, Sales Enablement tools and a service hub.

HubSpot is designed to support the entire lifecycle of a customer. From engaging prospects to converting them to leads to accelerating them through the sales cycle and converting them to delighted customers.

What is HubSpot?

2.  How can HubSpot help me sell more?

HubSpot combined with a sound inbound marketing strategy and great content will produce a consistently robust sales pipeline.

It will produce more leads and better leads and isn’t that what every salesperson wants.

It also provides Insights into the digital behavior of prospects and customers.

  • Know when a prospect visits the website

  • What pages they view

  • When they come back

  • When they open my email

  • If they open my email

  • If they view the content (i.e., case study or proposal) that I send to them

Knowing how your prospects are behaving digitally will help you prioritize your sales efforts and even help you craft the most appropriate messaging.

3. How can HubSpot help me be more productive?

CRM helps manage contacts, tasks and deal pipeline. It also helps manage everyday tasks such as:

  • Templates Don’t recreate the wheel. Stare and re-use your best emails

  • Sequences Link multiple templates together in a customized cadence and schedule them to go into the future.

  • Document Library Easily access sales collateral and marketing content and easily embed it into your communications with prospects.

  • Meeting Link Embed a link to your calendar to make it easy for both your prospect and you to schedule that next call or meeting

  • Automated workflows Nurture “not-ready-to-buy-yet” leads automatically with little or no manual intervention.

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Dean Moothart

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