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3 Reasons All Those Website Visitors Aren't Converting into Leads

lead conversion from website visitors
Dani Buckley
lead conversion from website visitors

lead conversion from website visitorsYou’ve invested time, energy, and money on creating a great inbound marketing plan. You’re regularly publishing strategic content that is attracting new visitors to your website daily. You’re promoting your campaigns effectively with a mix of organic and paid efforts. But you just aren’t seeing the leads come in. Sound familiar? That’s because driving traffic to your website is only half the battle. What happens once they get there is what makes the difference between a visitor that comes and goes, and a visitor that raises their hand by filling out a form or taking an action.

There are many reasons why this might be the case, but I’m going to share three of the top reasons we see time and time again causing a low visitor to lead conversion rate.

1. A Poor User Experience

First and foremost, your website needs to be easy to navigate, and it needs to tell people who land there who you are and what you do. They shouldn’t have to hunt around to get the information they’re looking for – and it should be easy to move around on your site.

Other elements that improve the user experience are not too much copy, smart navigation, and internal linking to relevant pages throughout.

2. Not Enough Top and Middle-of-the-Funnel Conversion Opportunities

Not all visitors/prospects are created equal, which means that they are likely to have different interests, needs, and questions – and be visiting your site at different stages in their own unique buyer's journey. If someone comes to your site who is just starting the research stage and isn’t ready to talk to a salesperson, do you have other options for them to take action beyond contacting your company?

This is where educational premium content comes in. Having a variety of downloadable and gated content pieces peppered throughout your site is a sure way to increase lead conversions. This includes eBooks, whitepapers, one-sheets, webinars, infographics, videos, and more.

More leads means more revenue. Check out our top Lead Gen Tips here.

3. Not Enough CTAs

Last but not least, simply having gated content and forms isn’t enough if you aren’t appropriately using CTAs on pages throughout your website. They should be on relevant pages including product/service pages, your homepage, in your navigation or footer, as pop up forms, and more. If you aren’t consistently calling your website visitors to take action, they aren’t going to.

Start with this list and start making improvements in these three key areas and you’ll immediately see an impact in your website conversions.

LeadG2 Inbound Marketing Strategy Checklist

About Author

Dani Buckley

Dani is the VP/General Manager at LeadG2. She has a diverse background in both advertising sales and marketing consulting that helps her address the varying needs of our diverse client base at LeadG2. She’s especially passionate about sales enablement and the many ways that marketing tactics can contribute to achieving sales goals. Dani is a writer, speaker, facilitator, camper van enthusiast, and personal development junkie. She currently lives in Northern California.

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