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Weekly Roundup: Steve Jobs Quotes, CRM Challenges + More

Weekly Roundup: Steve Jobs Quotes, CRM Challenges + More

Steve Job Quotes, CRM Challenges


LeadG2's Weekly Roundup features some of the top sales and marketing blog posts, articles, and resources we've recently found online. We've compiled some of our weekly favorites to help you advance in your career and build top marketing and sales teams. If we missed an article that you feel should be featured, let us know!

Featured Article

Marketing organizations used to be able to get away with just creating well-designed content and slick campaigns. That’s no longer the case.

Today, marketers are being held to a higher standard. The content and campaigns they produce are now expected to produce results and they’re accountable to performance metrics that measure audience, traffic, and conversions. Common KPIs include website sessions and lead conversions, but increasingly the ultimate KPI is top-line revenue.

Not only is marketing expected to generate leads, but those leads are also expected to convert into closed sales. Next quarter’s marketing budget is often guided by the return realized from previous marketing investments. Consequently, marketers are becoming laser-focused on the ROI of their lead generation strategies and tactics. >>> READ MORE

More Sales and Marketing Articles Found Online This Week

25 Steve Jobs Quotes That WIll Dramatically Shift Your Midset HubSpot

Whether you found him polarizing or prophetic, Apple’s late co-founder, Steve Jobs, was certainly eloquent. He touched many with his passion and creativity for making beautiful things, and his legacy lives on through his company and the many motivational thoughts he shared with the world. Here are 25 of Steve Jobs’ most popular quotes on life, leadership, and doing really good work.  >>>READ MORE

7 Common CRM Challenges and How To Fix Them Bluleadz

Running a business effectively requires investing in a list of softwares that will facilitate each job role. You’re aware of this. So are your business partners. But while there are certain applications that are obvious — such as needing project secure email, project management, and payroll — you may be having a harder time getting buy-in for other types of platforms. 

This can be the case with customer relationship management (CRM). While keeping track of everyone is crucial to reach out and follow up to the right people, the additional benefits of this type of software may not be as well known to the general public. But if you want to maximize your ROI, it behooves you to take a closer look at how the right CRM can transform the way you conduct your business. >>>READ MORE

How to Understand Your Customers' Buying Journeys And Engage Them as Each Touchpoint – Convince & Convert 

With advancing technology, the buying journey has changed dramatically.

Empowered with multiple devices and tools (price comparison platforms, discount shopping platforms, shopping rewards platforms, product review aggregating platforms, etc.) the purchasing decisions have become more unpredictable and the buying journey has got scattered and spontaneous.

One can start a buying journey on Facebook by seeing an ad, go off to a mobile device to research the advertised product in Google, get distracted by reading Google review, find an alternative product that comes better recommended and complete a purchase he/she didn’t even intend to make from a retailer he/she had no idea about. >>>READ MORE

SEO & Core Algorithms: How to Address, Analyze, and Affect – Moz

Core algorithm updates can be the bane of an SEO’s existence. The number of unknowns coming out of an update keeps people on their feet, as Google seemingly sits back and watches them scramble to address the changes.

Given how cryptic Google typically is about core updates — and even regular updates, for that matter — it can often seem like we’re at the mercy of the algorithm, with no legitimate measures of our own to employ. Google itself has even stated repeatedly that website owners shouldn’t view updates as something they are fighting against. >>>READ MORE

Best Business Growth Podcasts of 2022 – The Center for Sales Strategy

Each week, more Americans listen to podcasts than have Netflix accounts.

Since it began in the early 2000s, podcasting has grown drastically and steadily. Just from 2018 to 2021, podcast listeners have increased by 29.5%.

Thus far in 2022, 51% of the population has listened to a podcast, with over one-third of Americans listening to podcasts regularly.

With a variety of business-related podcasts available, how do you choose which to listen to first? >>>READ MORE


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