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Weekly Roundup: Complete Guide to Content Optimization, Mistakes in Content Marketing + More

Weekly Roundup: Complete Guide to Content Optimization, Mistakes in Content Marketing + More

Complete Guide to Content Optimization, Mistakes in Content Marketing


LeadG2's Weekly Roundup features some of the top sales and marketing blog posts, articles, and resources we've recently found online. We've complied some of our weekly favorites to help you advance in your career and build top marketing and sales teams. If we missed an article that you feel should be featured, let us know!

Featured Article

Although thought leadership is sometimes thought of as a buzzword in the marketing world, it really is an essential part of building a trustworthy brand.

The truth is that buyers purchase from companies that they feel like they can trust. By talking directly to your buyer early in their buyers’ journey, you will begin to build that trust early on.

What does thought leadership really mean? How can you use thought leadership to drive more business revenue? And how can you create content that will help build thought leadership? We'll go deeper into each of these topics in this blog post. >>> READ MORE

More Sales and Marketing Articles Found Online This Week

The Complete Guide to Content Optimization in 2021 (+Infographic) Semrush

When people talk about content optimization, they are often referring to SEO. And this is a big part of ensuring that your content marketing strategy is successful.

However, this doesn’t mean that you should be optimizing your content specifically for search engine bots. Rather, the opposite is true; when you optimize your content for humans, it then becomes search engine-friendly.

Therefore, in this article, we will talk about the different ways that you can optimize your content for people and search engines, as well as explain why this is so important. >>>READ MORE

Serious Mistakes in Content Marketing That Cost Companies Entrepreneur

Currently content marketing is one of the smartest investments a company can make, especially if you are in the early stages. Although companies have the good intention of implementing effective strategies, they do not always turn out what they expected and end up being mistakes that cost a lot, as startups become very sales or end up ignoring SEO. Remember that if you are one of these companies that is in the early stages, you cannot afford to spend your scarce resources. 

So this time we will list the main mistakes companies make when they implement content marketing without a correct strategy. Before anything else, you should know that content marketing is a way of providing your potential customers with informative content to questions they seek, with the purpose of meeting any need. When customers, little by little, see in you someone they trust who is giving them feedback and who also offers them the answers to the questions they are looking for, in a natural way, they will approach you looking for the purchase later. >>>READ MORE

Why Content Marketing Should Be the Foundation of Your Marketing Strategy Inc.

Not a single day goes by without my speaking to an early-stage entrepreneur who wants to discuss marketing and how to get quick results. So let's just get this out of the way from the beginning: Marketing takes time.

There are some tactics you can use that will generate a return on investment (ROI) in the relatively short term, but achieving real long-lasting results takes time. Put simply, anything you achieve in the short term will go down as fast as it went up. You want to play the long game. This is true even if you're tempted to try some things that are less organic but might look good on the surface, such as buying likes or followers. Don't do that. 

Instead, here are five reasons you should start generating content on your own company blog as soon as you can. >>>READ MORE

Sales Operations vs. Sales Enablement: Better Together? Brainshark

Buying cycles have become more and more complex. Many organizations are approaching sales as a team endeavor – one where several critical players help push each deal through.

Sure, having talented and well-prepared salespeople is critical. But closing new business today involves so much more than just the rep; there's marketing, sales development, sales engineering, procurement, and legal, to name a few.

Two essential parts of the equation are sales operations and sales enablement. Both functions improve sales force productivity and support reps before, during, and after the buying process. But for those not familiar, it's natural to wonder: what is the difference between the two?

This article examines how sales operations and sales enablement should work together within the overall sales organization. (We'll also look at the difference between sales enablement and sales effectiveness.) >>>READ MORE


Resources From LeadG2

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