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Weekly Roundup: Landing Page Conversions, Short Videos + More

Weekly Roundup: Landing Page Conversions, Short Videos + More

_Landing Page Conversions, Short Videos

LeadG2's Weekly Roundup features some of the top sales and marketing blog posts, articles, and resources we've recently found online. We've compiled some of our weekly favorites to help you advance in your career and build top marketing and sales teams. If we missed an article that you feel should be featured, let us know!

Featured Article

Marketing content and sales enablement are buzzwords you have probably heard in the B2B world.

Over the past several years, content marketing has become a critical part of every marketing strategy. However, sales enablement is rapidly becoming an essential piece of the puzzle for sales teams as well. The tricky part is that the line between marketing content and sales enablement is getting very blurry. In many ways, marketing content and sales enablement are one in the same.

The question becomes, what is the difference between sales enablement and marketing content?

Let’s discuss! >>> READ MORE

More Sales and Marketing Articles Found Online This Week

5 Reasons Why Your Landing Page Conversions Don't Bump With Traffic Jumps Content Marketing Institue 

You notice traffic picking up on your landing page. You eagerly wait for the weekly report to see a corresponding increase in conversions.

It arrives, and you discover the conversion rate dropped.

Why didn’t more traffic lead to more conversions?

Many reasons exist, but to identify the one(s) relevant to your page, take a step back and analyze the root cause. >>>READ MORE

5 Ways To Drive Traffic And Sales With Short Videos Digital Marketer 

We live in a world where everything is moving faster. People no longer have the patience for long-form content and are looking for short, digestible videos, preferably under 3 minutes. 

Adopting a video marketing strategy that is based on short video content not only allows you to give your audience what they want but also helps you get across your message to them in a more effective manner. 

But why is short video content better than traditional long-form content? >>>READ MORE

10 Signs It's Time to Pull the Plug on Your Marketing Campaign – HubSpot

Have you ever gone to see a movie that got worse as you watched it, but you couldn’t leave because of the money you paid to see it? Or have you ever worked on a project that was clearly not going to solve your problem, but you just continued working on it?

Psychology refers to these examples as escalation of commitment and sunk cost theory, where we continue to do something without value because of the effort or cost we’ve already put into them.

In the marketing world, pulling the plug on a campaign can be extremely difficult, especially when you and your team have put a lot of work into it. But sometimes, it’s for the best. In this post, we explain 10 signs it might be time to pull the plug on your marketing campaign. >>>READ MORE

Simple Things You Can Do to Make a Big Impact on Sales Performance – The Center for Sales Strategy

Without sales, you don't have a business.

Your profits are directly linked to sales performance, so it's important to maximize sales wherever possible. There are a range of things you can do to improve sales, and if you're not doing this your business will never reach its full potential.

For a rundown of some simple things you can do to improve sales performance, keep reading. >>>READ MORE


Resources From LeadG2


2-Part On-Demand Webinar Series Why Your Website Isn't Generating Leads and Why Your Leads Aren't Converting Into Sales

Weekly Roundup: How Content Marketing is Changing, Inbound Marketing Examples + More

Weekly Roundup: How Content Marketing is Changing, Inbound Marketing Examples + More

LeadG2's Weekly Roundup features some of the top sales and marketing blog posts, articles, and resources we've recently found online. We've complied...

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Weekly Roundup: Drive Traffic to Your Website, Best CRM Reports to Build + More

1 min read

Weekly Roundup: Drive Traffic to Your Website, Best CRM Reports to Build + More

LeadG2's Weekly Roundup features some of the top sales and marketing blog posts, articles, and resources we've recently found online. We've complied...

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Weekly Roundup: 2022 Content Marketing Trends, Sales Enablement Trends + More

1 min read

Weekly Roundup: 2022 Content Marketing Trends, Sales Enablement Trends + More

LeadG2's Weekly Roundup features some of the top sales and marketing blog posts, articles, and resources we've recently found online. We've complied...

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