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2 min read

Weekly Roundup: Inbound Supports Sales Growth, Salespeople and the Digital World + More

Weekly Roundup: Inbound Supports Sales Growth, Salespeople and the Digital World + More


Inbound Supports Sales Growth, Salespeople and the Digital World

LeadG2's Weekly Roundup features some of the top sales and marketing blog posts, articles, and resources we've recently found online. We've complied some of our weekly favorites to help you advance in your career and build top marketing and sales teams. If we missed an article that you feel should be featured, let us know!

Featured Article

If you’ve taken the steps to switch your organization to an inbound marketing strategy, you probably already know that content is critical to generating new leads. However, like most marketing tools, using premium content to attract leads isn’t something that you can simply publish on your website and expect people to find it immediately.

Luckily, we have a few tips that will help your prospects notice your premium content and jump-start the lead-generating machine your content is meant to be. >>> READ MORE

More Sales and Marketing Articles Found Online This Week

7 Ways the Inbound Methodology Supports Sales Management's Growth Goals Bluleadz

In sales management, one of your primary responsibilities, in addition to setting goals for your team, is mentoring and coaching them to success.

As a mentor and coach, one of the best things you can do is provide your team with every tool available and advise them on all available strategies to generate demand, leads, and sales. That means capitalizing on every strategy, like inbound marketing and inbound sales. >>>READ MORE

Where Do Salespeople Fit in the Digital World? Harvard Business Review

In-person meetings between customers and salespeople were once at the heart of B2B buying and selling. Now digital communication is embedding itself in every aspect of business. This had led some organizations to look at the future and ask a simple question: Will we still need salespeople? >>>READ MORE

Here's How to Scale Your Business's Social Media Marketing in 2022 Entrepreneur

More than 3.8 billion people use social media every day. That's around half of the world's population. It's no surprise that e-commerce has experienced such a massive boom with that kind of daily traffic on social channels. For entrepreneurs, social media presents an incredible opportunity, but only if you know the marketing skills to attract and engage audiences. >>>READ MORE

An Agile Approach to Sales Enablement Content Sales Hacker

Content is the cornerstone of sales enablement, but creating it is a massive headache.
In order to create quality content, you need talent, tools, and time – lots of it. Those are resources that most sales teams do not have, and resources that most marketing teams need to protect.
Adopting tools like an animated video maker can certainly help. To meaningfully speed up your content creation process without sacrificing quality or quantity, though, you also need to look closely at how your team approached sales enablement.
Agile sales enablement offers an opportunity to increase collaboration, improve content, and build up capacity all while speeding up the process. Sound too good to be true? Read on for a cursory overview of how Agile can be applied to creating sales content along with a few tips for getting started. >>>READ MORE

Finding the Right Mentor The Center for Sales Strategy

We're used to hearing “it takes a village” when we're talking about family, but what if that “village” theory is true in business as well.

Well, it sure helps!

Finding the right mentor can help you navigate your career and give you a village of knowledge instead of going at it on your own. >>>READ MORE


Resources From LeadG2

Weekly Roundup: Women in Sales, Establishing Authority + More

Weekly Roundup: Women in Sales, Establishing Authority + More

LeadG2's Weekly Roundup features some of the top sales and marketing blog posts, articles, and resources we've recently found online. We've complied...

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Weekly Roundup: 2022 Content Marketing Trends, Sales Enablement Trends + More

1 min read

Weekly Roundup: 2022 Content Marketing Trends, Sales Enablement Trends + More

LeadG2's Weekly Roundup features some of the top sales and marketing blog posts, articles, and resources we've recently found online. We've complied...

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Weekly Roundup: B2B Content Marketing Trends, Sales Enablement Post-Pandemic Growth Strategy + More

1 min read

Weekly Roundup: B2B Content Marketing Trends, Sales Enablement Post-Pandemic Growth Strategy + More

LeadG2's Weekly Roundup features some of the top sales and marketing blog posts, articles, and resources we've recently found online. We've complied...

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