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2 min read

Weekly Roundup: Content's Role in the New Buyer's Journey, SEO Myths + More

Weekly Roundup: Content's Role in the New Buyer's Journey, SEO Myths + More

Contents Role in the New Buyers Journey


LeadG2's Weekly Roundup features some of the top sales and marketing blog posts, articles, and resources we've recently found online. We've compiled some of our weekly favorites to help you advance in your career and build top marketing and sales teams. If we missed an article that you feel should be featured, let us know!

Featured Article

Nurturing leads is extremely critical to any business’s success. Technological advancements have led to an increase in competition in the online marketplace, while the customer’s buying behavior has also changed over the years. And these are just a few reasons that prove the importance of lead nurturing. In most cases, only a small percentage of the total number of leads land as your customers, whereas over 90% of leads get left out.

You may invest a lot of money, time, and resources in a lead generation campaign, but if you aren’t nurturing them, you're simultaneously losing leads as soon as they come in. This is why it's not enough to generate leads anymore, only a lead nurturing strategy will direct them through a sales funnel. >>> READ MORE

More Sales and Marketing Articles Found Online This Week

What Marketers Get Wrong About Content's Role in the New Buyer's Journey Content Marketing Institute 

Many people talk (and write) about how the B2B marketing process has changed. But they overlook how the entire buying process has changed.

Volumes of research and points of view articles explore how digital marketing needs to change to meet the needs of the modern B2B buyer. But it’s not a one-way street. The Internet and associated digital technology have also upended the way B2B customers research and purchase things.

You’ll find it easier to adapt your B2B marketing process if you first understand how B2B buyers’ journeys have changed (and why). >>>READ MORE

How Big Data Is Transforming the Video Marketing Landscape Lemonlight

When it comes to conversion-driven video marketing, data is essential. Using data the right way can help companies level up their video strategy, connect with customers more effectively, access entirely new insights about their audience, and drive greater growth.

In this article, we’ll take a look at the concept of big data and why it’s so important for video marketers. >>>READ MORE

Why We're Hardwired to Believe SEO Myths (And How To Spot Them!) – Social Engine Watch

Give someone a fish and they’ll EAT for one day. Teach someone to fish and they’ll EAT for a lifetime. Yes, that’s an SEO pun. It’s also the goal of this article.

If you pop into either of the fantastic SEO communities on Twitter or LinkedIn, you’ll inevitably encounter some common SEO myths:

  • “Longer dwell time means a good user experience, so it must be a ranking factor”

  • “A high bounce rate indicates a bad user experience, so it must be bad for SEO”

Social media posts like these get tons of engagement. As a result, they amplify the myths we try to squash through repetition, false evidence, and faulty logic. The problem isn’t limited to social media, either. There are plenty of high-profile websites that package hypotheses as facts because readers eat them up. >>>READ MORE

Stop Spinning Your Wheels: Selling Techniques for Fast Closes – The Center for Sales Strategy

Stop spinning your wheels on lousy prospects!

Slow kills deals.   

Every seller knows (and loves) the feeling of a textbook sales process that goes from identify to closed-won, quickly.  The benefits of moving prospects to customers quickly through the pipeline expose several key leading indicators of the health of your sales team and sales process. >>>READ MORE


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