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Is Email Marketing Dead?

Is Email Marketing Dead?
Maryanne McWhirter
Is Email Marketing Dead?

There are over 3.9 billion email users worldwide, and in 2023 that number is estimated to be 4.3 billion. So, is the act of reaching out via email to prospects and potential customers a dying form of marketing?

Not a chance. 

Why and how email marketing works is important to understand before creating your business’ email marketing strategy. Let’s dive into a few highlights of why email marketing still works and can be effective for your business. 

Reach your target audience through email

ON-DEMAND WEBINAR: A 7-Step Roadmap to Successful Lead GenerationReach your prospects where they are — their inbox!

According to HubSpot, 80% of marketers have reported an increase in email engagement over the past 12 months. Plus, 99% of people check their emails every day!

Chances are high that your target audience has an email address and checks it daily. If you're a business that wants to grow, you should be strategically communicating in this way. There are several ways (social media, online ads, etc) to get your message out to prospects, but did you know that the most effective way is through email?

Email Marketing is Cost Effective

Email marketing can be done easily and inexpensively!

Particularly compared to traditional marketing of direct mail, in which postage and printing can really add up. Email marketing allows the same creativity of design and copy, same reliability of delivery to your target persona, and even better ability to get access to the users next step (clicking through to your website). 

The price tag is a big “win” for email marketing because it doesn’t discriminate against big or small brands. It's a marketing technique that is accessible to all and provides ROI (if done right). Constant Contact notes that the average ROI for email marketing is $38 for every $1 spent.How Email Marketing Can Fuel Your Overall Inbound Strategy

Segment Your Lists

Segmenting your email lists allows you to highly target your prospects and to create smaller email blasts that connect more personally to the user.  Email campaigns segmented by user interest see 74.53% higher click rates  as compared to non-segmented campaigns.

Some examples of how to segment your email marketing list are behavioral, geographic, or demographic segments. 

Track Your Data

Email marketing comes with data. Most email providers give evidence of how many (and WHO) have unsubscribed, opened, and clicked through your email are important to measuring your strategy as a whole. 

Constant Contact even publishes annual averages across industries, so you can track how you are doing in your business’ industry. This digital technique allows for information to grow and improve your strategy along the way. 

If email marketing is “dead” for your business perhaps you should evaluate your strategy and tactics before you write off the method as a whole. A strategy and plan to how you create email marketing for your business can make a big impact. 30 Greatest Lead Gen Tips Ebook

About Author

Maryanne McWhirter

Maryanne is a VP, Senior Director for LeadG2. She is energized by problem-solving and implementing new strategies to drive results for her clients. Maryanne lives with her husband, two young children, and two dogs in Nashville, Tennessee.

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