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9 Email Marketing Mistakes That Could Come Back to Haunt You

9 Email Marketing Mistakes That Could Come Back to Haunt You
Maryanne McWhirter
9 Email Marketing Mistakes That Could Come Back to Haunt You

9 Email Marketing Mistakes That Could Come Back to Haunt You


Email Marketing is not just a bunch of hocus pocus.

According to HubSpot, 99% of consumers check their email every single day, and it is the preferred way to receive updates from brands. Email marketing works....if done correctly.

Is your email marketing hitting the mark? Are your open and click-through rates struggling? Check out these top email marketing mistakes we see brands making and how to fix them!

1. Not segmenting your recipient list

Email blasting is the number one mistake made with email marketing today. Segment your lists! Speak specifically to your database. Even when you are promoting the same thing, segment your list and make your marketing emails personal.

Stop Trying to Boil the Ocean — Segment Your Target Market

2. Saving the best for last

Don’t' bury your call-to-actions at the bottom of an email. Give users a chance right at the start of your email to take the action you want them to.

3. Spending too little time on the subject line

No one sees a well-designed, perfectly personalized, amazing offer in an email they don’t open. Be intentional about your subject line to get your users to take the first step: opening your marketing email!

4. Having too many call-to-actions

Don’t confuse your recipients once you have their attention by sending them in nine different directions with actions to take. Specify exactly what you want them to do in your email and give multiple opportunities for them to do it. One call to action in several places is key in email marketing.

  • Being long-winded

  • Attention spans are short. Content needs to be presented in as few words as possible.

  • Break up your text

  • Use bullet points

  • Remember quality over quantity

    How To Get You Call-To-Action To Actually Cause Action 

5. Not proofreading

Sent test emails! Have fresh eyes before pushing out a marketing email. There is not a lot worse than the immediate feeling of realizing your well-crafted email has broken links and spelling and grammar mistakes.

6. Disregarding mobile devices

Over 61.9% of emails are read on a mobile device. This number is growing every year. Just because you create a marketing email on your computer doesn’t mean that's where people will consume it. Make sure your email is mobile-friendly!

7. Difficult to read design

Make your email visually appealing! Use images and graphics. Use color and interesting fonts. Be bold and reach the visual learners out there!

8. Not using A/B testing

The most underrated marketing tool is A/B testing. Every email you send should use A/B testing so you can better understand your specific audience’s preferences.

9. Not spending time in your analytics

Learn from the past! Reviewing marketing email analytics will only help you create more effective marketing emails in the future. Make the time to be intentional with your review of how your emails are performing.

Don’t let these mistakes come back to haunt you in your marketing efforts!

For more email marketing and inbound marketing tips check out our resource page!


ON-DEMAND WEBINAR: A 7-Step Roadmap to Successful Lead Generation

About Author

Maryanne McWhirter

Maryanne is a VP, Senior Director for LeadG2. She is energized by problem-solving and implementing new strategies to drive results for her clients. Maryanne lives with her husband, two young children, and two dogs in Nashville, Tennessee.

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