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2 min read

How to Re-Engage Cold Leads

How to Re-Engage Cold Leads

How to Re-Engage Cold Leads

It happens to all of us; no matter how well-thought-out your sales process and follow-up is, some leads just go cold. You could have the best advertising, most well-produced creative, and a talk script for every scenario, but sometimes you just can’t close the deal.

Just because they haven’t taken the step to become a customer in the past doesn’t mean they won’t in the future. If they align with your target market and qualify as a potential customer, why are you letting those leads remain cold when they’ve stopped engaging?

Now here’s the age-old question — how do you re-engage your cold leads?

Give Them the Facts

When you’re starting the process of connecting with a cold lead, it’s important to give them the cold hard facts. What was their original interaction with you? Did they download a resource, abandon their cart, or schedule a demo with no follow-through? Remind them of their initial intent and the value that came with it.

By setting the tone with a personal follow-up, it can grab their attention and encourage them to reflect back on why they engaged with you from the start. But, now you need to inform them on why they should re-ignite that relationship and pick up things where they left off.

Breathe Life Into Old, Dead Leads

Talk About the Why

One of the most important elements of your follow-up is to talk about the why. Why should they purchase your product or service? Why should they meet with you? Why should they partner with your organization?

You know they are familiar with your business, but do they really have all the info as to why working with you is the best option for them? Share the potential benefits and rewards they can experience if they choose to work with you. Talk about what their life could look like with you in it. It’s important that they know the ‘why’ behind what you do and how it can improve some aspect of their life or business.

Highlight the Risk Factors

On the other hand, you also want to paint of picture of what could happen if they don’t move forward with you. Do you provide a service that could help them save money or increase their ROI? Tell them. Do you offer a product that could maximize their efficiency and ultimately improve their operations? Explain what that would look like.

Pointing out the good, the bad, and the ugly can help them better weigh their options when it comes to making a decision that will affect their future, and their business.

Top 5 Factors Of A Successful Inbound Marketing Program

Share a Success Story

Last, but certainly not least, share a success story. If your product or service is as good as you’ve made it out to be, then give them an example of when you helped someone like them and witnessed a win. It’s important to include case studies and testimonials throughout your sales process so that your leads, cold or not, know that you have social proof to support your claims.

When you’re consistent in your outreach and value add, then it will be hard to ignore the potential success that a partnership could bring. Stay true to your core values, represent your business well, and don’t give up. They might be a cold lead today, but that could change tomorrow.

2-Part On-Demand Webinar Series Why Your Website Isn't Generating Leads and Why Your Leads Aren't Converting Into Sales


*Editor's Note: This blog was originally written in 2014 and has since been updated. 

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