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How to Increase Landing Page Conversions with Video

How to Increase Landing Page Conversions with Video

How to Increase Landing Page Conversions with Video

How can I get my landing pages to convert more leads?

You aren't the first and won't be the last marketer to ask that question. Good news, today we have your answer!


Landing page conversion tactics are something all marketers go back to time and time again. 

Landing pages are created for lead generation, after all, as each of them includes a conversion form. Trial and error to get more visitors to submit the form and your business to capture new information are never-ending. The tactic you need to try is using video on your landing page.

Landing Pages That Convert


We know you have heard it before- video is all the rage for marketing

Have you tried it on a landing page though? 

Here is why- video builds trust and credibility. It’s a personal connection that expedites the buyers’ journey by building trust early. What do you need more on a page where you are asking for someone’s contact information than trust?  

Having a human face and voice empathizing with the users’ pain points, pointing out a solution, and guiding them with the next steps is a comforting process. The trust created in the video is exactly what a landing page needs to convert more leads! 


Don’t take it to be an overwhelming task. Video on a landing page can (and should) be simple and straightforward. No production is necessary just a short (possibly self-filmed) video with a human explaining three things: 

  • Why the user would benefit from the landing page’s offer 

  • What the offer is 

  • How to get and use the offer 

Approaching your landing page with this method creates a story for the user to follow along with and an emotional connection to relate to. Often you're defining the problem as helping the user to articulate something they know, but haven’t yet put a need to. Then offering a solution or aide helps the user build trust.   

Don’t wait 

Implement video on one of your landing pages today! Measure its success and see for yourself. Using a video on your landing page is a strategy you shouldn’t pass over. Convert those leads by connecting with them via video. 

The Complete Guide to Using Video in the Sales Process

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