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How Being a Thought Leader Can Drive Your Business Revenue

How Being a Thought Leader Can Drive Your Business Revenue
Emily Hartzell
How Being a Thought Leader Can Drive Your Business Revenue

How Being a Thought Leader Can Drive Your Business Revenue

Although thought leadership is sometimes thought of as a buzzword in the marketing world, it really is an essential part of building a trustworthy brand.

The truth is that buyers purchase from companies that they feel like they can trust. By talking directly to your buyer early in their buyers’ journey, you will begin to build that trust early on.

What does thought leadership really mean? How can you use thought leadership to drive more business revenue? And how can you create content that will help build thought leadership? We'll go deeper into each of these topics in this blog post.   

What is Thought Leadership?  

Thought leadership is the act of positioning your company as a leader in your industry by publishing, curating, and sharing the best content for your unique target buyers.

By doing this, you put your company at the top of people’s minds when they look to hire a company with the product or service you offer. Think about anytime you make a purchasing decision; if you know of a business that regularly posts content, shares information, and is top of mind for you, wouldn’t you choose them over the competition?

The key to thought leadership is creating content that resonates with your target audience to ensure they see and consume your content, enjoy it, and want more. 

What a Thought Leader Does

How can you use thought leadership to drive more business revenue?  

Although there are a lot of ways through which thought leadership drives revenue, the primary three that come to mind are:

  • The competitive advantage through differentiation.

  • Creating sales enablement for your sales team.

  • Being invited to share your thought leadership on other platforms or events.

Let’s look deeper into these three ways below.

Competitive Advantage Through Differentiation   

Thought leadership helps you stand out from your competitors. If you can offer high-quality and relevant information to your target audience long before they need you, you will be set when they are in the market for your product or service.  

RELATED POST >>> Different Types of Thought Leadership Content [VIDEO]

Sales Enablement  

The more pieces of thought leadership content your company creates the more content your sales team has at their disposal during the sales process. You want to arm your sales team with all kinds of content to use in the sales process, so thought leadership content is a total win-win. 

RELATED POST >>> Here's How Sales Enablement Content Helps Close More Deals

Being Invited to Share Your Thought Leadership

As you become more of n established thought leader, you may start to get invited to speak at events, webinars, seminars, and conferences. You may be asked to write a guest blog post or be on a podcast. These can and will lead to networking opportunities, more brand awareness, and a bigger audience.  

The Benefits of Being a Thought Leader [VIDEO]

How can you create content that will help build thought leadership?  

Now that you know what thought leadership is, you might wonder how you can start creating content that will help build your thought leadership right away.

Great question!

  • The very first step is to understand your target audience and their buyer’s journey.

Without knowing who your target audience is and how they make their purchasing decisions, you won’t be able to fully understand the questions, objections, and interests they have.  

  • Once you fully understand your target audience and their buyers’ journey, the next step is to create content that speaks directly to them.

It's important to be very intentional and organized with your content to ensure you are covering lots of different topics that your target audience is interested in. The content you start to create should be extremely educational and directly answer your target buyer’s questions and overcome their objections. The key to successful thought leadership is to focus on the humans behind the computer who is looking for information — and speak directly to them. 

Let’s get started

Although thought leadership is a popular topic, it's an essential part of building and establishing your brand.

Producing high-quality content for your target audience to read is not only helpful but crucial for staying top of mind. Now go out there and start blogging and building resources for your target audience to fall in love with, you thought leader!

LeadG2 Inbound Marketing Strategy Checklist

About Author

Emily Hartzell

Emily is a VP, Senior Director for LeadG2. She is an organized, motivated, caring individual, and a proud mother of three children. Emily's expertise in inbound marketing stems from her academic background, where she earned a degree in Mass Media Strategic Communication from the University of Missouri, including an inbound marketing internship. Her previous experience in B2B sales has provided her with a valuable perspective, allowing her to work with business leaders across various industries.

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