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Why is Social Media an Important Part of Inbound Marketing?

Nicole Hazlett

Why is Social Media an Important Part of Inbound Marketing

In today’s digital world, we have the ability to meet buyers where they are in their journey even better, we can advertise to them at the exact moment they’re ready to make a buying decision. So why focus on things like building brand awareness through social media posts when you can capture attention at the bottom of the sales funnel?

Because it takes multiple layers of marketing to get your buyer to that decision-making stage.

Why is social media an important part of inbound marketing? Because social media is the sprinkle on top of the cake that is marketing. Regardless of your brand, product, or service, social media works in all stages of inbound marketing.

4 Benefits of social media for inbound marketing

on-demand webinar graphic: how inbound marketing keeps working during a pandemic While there are many best practices to follow for inbound marketing, social media will always be on the list, and here’s why.

1. Social Media Helps with Branding

The inbound marketing methodology is based on attracting, converting, closing, and delighting readers in order to obtain visitors, leads, customers, and promoters.

Content that’s posted on social media only stays on the timeline for a of couple days maximum, but it gives your pages an overall experience for someone to scroll through whenever they please. Additionally, the more your social audience engages, likes, and shares that content the more people will see it.

2. Get to Know Your Target Audience Through Social Media

Why is social media an important part of inbound marketing? Because your target audience lives on social media!

Social media is a great way to understand your target audience better. People engage on social media with content that they like and that is valuable to them. Therefore through trial and error, social media can really show you what your audience likes. Whether your pages are filled with educational content or explanations of your services, your audience with interact with what they find important.

Through this, you can shape your content to match what your audience wants. Thus, giving you an edge because you now know what they want out of your content and pages.

3. Increase Organic SEO Efforts with Social Media

SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, increases brand awareness by pushing your content into the audience’s view. Social media isn't a factor that affects rankings, but there is an undeniable link between an  active social media presence and SEO. Plus, it's a great way to get people to your website!

Your website is primarily where you want to direct traffic because that's where most people go to do business with you. Social media aids in getting more website traffic. The more active you are on social media, the more exposure you create for your brand. Increased exposure, paired with valuable content, helps reach your target audience and build lasting relationships.

4. Find New Opportunities Through Social Media

Finally, you never know what you’re going to get when you put yourself out there on social media. Having a broad spectrum of content on your social media pages can allow for growth. Not only will it allow others to see your content, but it might also shed some light on what you could be doing to help your brand.

More than likely, you'll be following people in similar fields to you. This will give you new creative ways to perform tasks of all kinds. It can also keep you up to date on the latest fads of your market to possibly utilize.

Social Media and Inbound Marketing

We live in a world where social media is everywhere you can't ignore it, and you definitely can't let it get in the way of your brand image. Keep on top of your chosen social media pages and learn as you go! Social media is a smart use of time and energy for any company that wants to help better their brand, stay up to date with their own “work world," and promote content that helps establish themselves as thought leaders in the industry.

When you fully adopt a social media strategy, the valuable content you publish, and the interaction you have with your audience establishes your authority. You'll find the return on investment will make your inbound marketing efforts more effective and your bottom line more profitable.LeadG2 Inbound Marketing Strategy Checklist


About Author

Nicole Hazlett
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