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What is a Keyword?

What is a Keyword?

What is a Keyword

Why are keywords so important?  

For starters, they're used by search engines like Google to help users find what they're looking for on the internet. If people don't use keywords when searching for information or products—or if their searches aren't relevant enough—then those sites won't show up in relevant search results (and no one will see them). This means that if you want people to find you online, then you need to make sure that your website includes keywords so they show up at the top of the SERP (search engine results page) when someone searches using them! 

Knowing the right keywords can be your ticket to ranking higher in search engines and getting more clicks. Researching and selecting the correct words for your content can be tricky, but it's worth it if you know how to do it correctly.

The Chosen Keywords Determines Results Page

Inbound Marketing Terms GlossaryAs a general rule, the keywords you choose will determine which results page your page will show up on. If you're trying to rank for a keyword that no one else is targeting (but is still relevant to your business), it may take some time before Google decides to list your website in its top search results. 

On the other hand, if hundreds of companies are targeting a keyword or similar variations, then it might be difficult for yours to break through—even if yours is the best product or service available.

Luckily there's an easy fix: use different variations of those same words (called long-tail keywords) in addition to common ones. 

It's Important to Think About Search Intent

You must think about how people are searching for your content. If you don't know what they are looking for, you can't possibly give them what they want or need. 

Use tools like SEMrush or Google Keyword Planner to determine which keywords have the most searches and frequently appear in search results. You should also look at what kinds of results people click on when they do a search. This will help you understand their intent when they use certain keywords. 

Once you know what kind of content is popular with searchers, it's important that you create something similar—but better! The more general a keyword is, the more likely it is that someone else has already written about it before--and if so, why should anyone click on yours over theirs? Your goal should be to take an existing topic and make it more interesting by adding value through research or personal experience (or both). 

You can also research social media sites like Reddit or Quora, where people frequently ask questions about their interests. These questions give you an idea of what people are interested in learning about—and what information can be used as keyword ideas for SEO purposes! 

Some Keywords Are More Valuable Than Others - Focus On Those 

The best keyword research tools will allow you to sort your keywords into categories based on how much traffic they're getting, what websites rank for them, and how competitive it is to rank for that keyword. They'll also show you how many searches per month there are for each keyword so that you can see which ones are likely to produce the most traffic. 

Be sure to use tools like Google's Keyword Planner and SEMrush to explore which keywords are performing best for your business. Each of these tools has different features and functions, so they all have their own strengths and weaknesses. However, the data from each tool will help you get a more accurate understanding of the market size for your target audience so you can determine which keywords are performing best for your business. 

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