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2 min read

Tips for Managing an Inbound Marketing Agency

Tips for Managing an Inbound Marketing Agency


Recently, Matt Sunshine, Managing Partner of LeadG2 and The Center for Sales Strategy, was interviewed on the Inbound Agency Journey podcast, and we wanted to share a few of the highlights of his interview. You can listen to the entire interview by clicking here.

The Inbound Agency Journey is a website focused on helping inbound agency owners grow their businesses and offers insights from successful inbound agencies. Matt’s interview for the The Inbound Agency Journey’s podcast was with Andrew Dymski, Co-Founder of DoInbound, a platform to help manage, track and scale your inbound marketing agency and GuavaBox, an inbound marketing agency.

Here are a few of the highlights of the interview.

The Use of Talent Banks

With a rapidly growing company, the challenge of continual hiring and bringing on new talent can hamper agency growth rates if a company can’t find enough talented individuals. One of the ways that LeadG2 and The Center for Sales Strategy keep up with this demand for talent is to consistently be interviewing for talent and finding candidates that would be great for a future position when one becomes available. This focus on developing a talent bank enables companies like LeadG2 to find qualified candidates and fill positions more rapidly than revving up the interview process when a need arises.

The Benefits of a Virtual Company 

During the interview it was pointed out that both LeadG2 and The Center for Sales Strategy are “virtual companies” that exist without a central office. While this is something undesirable for companies that focus on serving clients or customers in specific markets, both LeadG2 and The Center for Sales Strategy serve clients across the country and don’t require working out of a central office. One of the benefits of a virtual company is the freedom to hire the best candidates regardless of geography—to be unrestrained by the local talent market.

The Tools for Managing a Virtual Team 

One of the challenges that virtual teams encounter is that they are not in the same office, don’t spend time chatting at the water cooler, and can’t stop by a colleague’s desk to catch up on a project. To help facilitate communication between the virtual teams and to track the work being done on a client’s behalf, there are several tools that they rely upon:

  • Toggl -  track time to prevent employee burnout.

  • HipChat - a place to have fun and get work done.

  • Basecamp - all projects run through the PM platform.

These are just a few of the highlights of the interview that Matt did on The Inbound Agency Journey. To hear the entire interview or to listen to additional podcasts from The Inbound Agency Journey, click here.

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