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1 min read

The 10 Commandments of Inbound Marketing

The 10 Commandments of Inbound Marketing


Many companies looking to implement a lead generation or inbound marketing program want to know the easiest and most cost-effective way to reach their goal. They want to know what the answer is before they get started so they don’t make mistakes that set them back and prohibit them from reaching their goals. This is precisely the reason we created The 10 Commandments of Inbound Marketing. We wanted to share our thoughts and insights on which best practices need to be followed in order to have success with inbound marketing and lead generation BEFORE you get started.

We created these ten commandments based on our experience of what works for clients and after spending significant time analyzing the traits that successful and unsuccessful inbound marketing programs have in common.

Using the format of the ten commandments creates a very powerful image and certainly makes it clear that these are things you MUST DO or NOT DO in order to have success with inbound marketing. There are no shortcuts or steps you can skip. No, you must diligently follow these commandments if you want to see real results.

There is a lot to do when first getting started with inbound marketing and lead generation, and we hope that these ten commandments will help guide you in the right direction. Without further ado, here they are:

The 10 Commandments of Inbound Marketing

  1. Thou shall not put pen to paper before conducting research and understanding your target persona.  (Tweet This)
  2. Sales must be involved in your inbound strategy at each stage from conception to implementation to follow up. (Tweet This)
  3. Your website must be mobile optimized or responsive. (Tweet This)
  4. You must have a written plan for lead follow up that’s agreed upon by both sales and marketing. (Tweet This)
  5. You must have someone responsible for your inbound marketing program. (Tweet This)
  6. Consistently be publishing content on your blog. (Tweet This)
  7. You must have premium content (white papers, guides etc) on your website if you intend to generate leads. (Tweet This)
  8. Do not ignore SEO / Organic search.  This is your website’s lifeblood. (Tweet This)
  9. Thou shall not publish content for the sake of Google. Write for humans not Google. (Tweet This)
  10. You must use a CRM. (Tweet This)

Make sure to subscribe to the LeadG2 blog to get each of The 10 Commandments of Inbound Marketing and other great blog content delivered to your inbox. Or you can download The 10 Commandments of Inbound Marketing, which includes all ten of the blog posts and some added content.

10 Commandments of Inbound Marketing


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