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Amanda Meade

Marketing Content Manager




A couple of fun facts about me:

  • With two girls, I am a mama of drama, the keeper of snacks, the buyer of dresses and bows, and painter of toes – honestly, I could go on and on! Most of my free time revolves around their extracurricular activities and ensuring they enjoy life. I work hard, but we play harder!
  • I love card and board games. Rummy and Scrabble are my favorites!
  • I am very cliché in the fact that if I had unlimited funds, I would travel the world. Exploring new places and learning new things is always a top priority for me.

Notes about my expertise in inbound marketing:

  • I received my B.A. in Communication Studies and began my career at an email marketing firm, where I really honed into the digital side of marketing. Communications and digital marketing work in conjunction with several aspects of inbound marketing.
  • Over a five-year span, I have worked with two marketing agencies and freelanced for several companies. I have developed content for a number of businesses ranging from startups to Fortune 500 companies.
  • I think outside of the box and enjoy creating content that connects with people, but I rely on data to make decisions.

Recent Posts by Amanda Meade

Lead Generation

The Hidden Goldmine: Uncovering High-Quality Leads with Inbound Marketing

Inbound Marketing

Building Your Inbound Marketing Strategy

Lead Nurturing

Lead Nurturing Email Workflows to Use During the Buyer’s Journey