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The Heart of LeadG2: Our People!

The Heart of LeadG2: Our People!

You may (or may not) know that LeadG2 is powered by The Center for Sales Strategy, a sales performance company with a staff that has a combined total of over 255 years of sales experience

At LeadG2 and The Center for Sales Strategy, we are serious about and committed to delivering educational content to your inbox, but today, we'd like to bring you something that's even more serious: OUR PEOPLE! 

Our team is the fuel behind the fire here, and last week the entire staff gathered in Dallas from all over the country, to connect, learn, and grow, at our staff meeting. This is such an important time for us, since we are 100% remote and spread out across the country! The theme of our staff meeting was CHOOSE TO GROW, and we spent time reflecting on the company's past (35 years!), while focusing on the future, to continue moving towards our mission to deliver inbound sales results for our LeadG2 clients by increasing quality leads and appointments. And you might say we had a little fun, too! 

Below are just a few snapshots of our days in Dallas. You might recognize some of the faces, and some might be new to you! As we continue celebrating our team, we'd love for you to show some love and shout out to some of your connections at LeadG2 and CSS in the comments! 

TO OUR TEAM: Thank you. For your dedication. Your passion. Your eagerness and commitment to ensuring our clients achieve inbound sales results. Your desire to deliver the best solutions and strategies. And for just being awesome. We value you and look forward to each and every day with you!  

leadg2 and css staff meeting 2018

leadg2 and css staff meeting 2018

leadg2 and css staff meeting 2018

leadg2 and css staff meeting 2018

leadg2 and css staff meeting 2018

leadg2 and css staff meeting 2018

leadg2 and css staff meeting 2018

leadg2 and css staff meeting 2018

leadg2 and css staff meeting 2018

leadg2 and css staff meeting 2018

leadg2 and css staff meeting 2018

leadg2 and css staff meeting 2018

leadg2 and css staff meeting 2018

leadg2 and css staff meeting 2018

leadg2 and css staff meeting 2018

leadg2 and css staff meeting 2018

Why We are Thankful to be Part of the LeadG2 Team

Why We are Thankful to be Part of the LeadG2 Team

At this time of year, we’re all focused on being thankful for our family, our home, our community, our friends, and the lifestyle we live… but what...

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6 Inbound Marketing Lessons We've Learned Since We Started LeadG2

6 Inbound Marketing Lessons We've Learned Since We Started LeadG2

We launched LeadG2 as its own brand in August 2014, after existing as a department in The Center for Sales Strategy for two years. We started doing...

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5 Questions With... Matt Sunshine, President, LeadG2

5 Questions With... Matt Sunshine, President, LeadG2

Welcome to the first post in a series where we’ll let our readers get to know leaders in the industry by asking a series of five questions. We're...

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