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Dean Moothart

Director, Client Solutions



His focus has always been helping companies improve the alignment of their Sales and Marketing teams.

A couple of fun facts about me:

  • I have 6 kids and one new granddaughter. (You want to see pictures? I got plenty).
  • My office is in my barn. The barn used to be home to goats, horses, sheep, chickens, and pigs too, but now I share it with a just couple of barn cats.
  • While I live in Florida now, I grew up 30 miles southwest of Mount St. Helens and have the volcanic ash to prove it.

My expertise in inbound marketing:

  • I’ve worked in the outsourced sales and marketing space for 20+ years helping B2B companies build robust sales pipelines, improve efficiency of field sales teams and grow top line revenue (primarily in the outsourced prospecting/call center space).
  • This experience has put me on the front lines of the evolving buying process and the need for marketers to be more focused on improving inbound strategies to adapt to the new reality of doing business.
  • My focus has always been helping companies improve the alignment of their Sales and Marketing teams by helping speak the same language, share common goals, establish KPIs and “closing the loop” to improve results.

Recent Posts by Dean Moothart

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