Jennifer Adams, the Marketing Program Manager at Commonfund, is one of our clients and is at INBOUND 2015 this week with us. Commonfund is an asset manager that serves nonprofit investors and the public sector. Jennifer leads Commonfund's digital marketing efforts, and utilizes HubSpot to implement.
As we wrote about on Monday, we're at INBOUND (HubSpot's annual conference) this week, hearing from keynote speakers like Seth Godin, Daniel Pink, and Brené Brown, and learning in workshop sessions (with over 170 sessions, it's hard to choose which ones to attend!). We asked Jennifer a few questions about what topics she's excited about this year at INBOUND. Here's what she says.
We'll keep you up to date with what's happening here at the conference (via Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook) so if you want to hear more, give us a follow!