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ABM 101:
Who, What, When, and Why You Need ABM in Your Sales & Marketing Strategy

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An On-Demand Presentation in Partnership with RollWorks

Oftentimes, there are many questions that swirl when a new strategy is introduced or being explored. And there's good reason, of course! 

To help answer some of these questions, LeadG2 and Rollworks have partnered to shed some insight on these questions about ABM. 

This on-demand presentation event includes answers to questions like, 

  • WHO - Who is it for? Who does it benefit? Does Sales or Marketing own this initiative? 
  • WHAT - What is ABM? What should you expect?
  • WHEN - When is an organization ready for ABM? 
  • WHY - Why is ABM important? Why would a B2B organization benefit from ABM? 

If you're a sales or marketing leader of a B2B organization, this on-demand presentation event is for you! 

Complete the form to watch the presentation. We'll also send ABM 101, the presentation slides, and some additional resources from RollWorks to your email. 


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Dani Buckley
LeadG2 | Vice President & General Manager

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Jill Brock
RollWorks | Head of Revenue Marketing